Going gluten-free: Is it for you? 5 Tips for Implementing it!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
While going gluten-free is seen by many as a trend, for those of us with certain autoimmune or neurological issues (hello Migraines!), eliminating gluten can really help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms that medications can’t. Believe me, it’s not something I chose to do for fun! It was actually my doctor who put me on it at first. Is it something I think everyone should do? No! Do I think some people benefit from eating this way? Definitely! 

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I really had no idea what gluten-free meant other than no bread. When I first went gluten-free, I’ll admit that I had a bit of a pity party for myself. I’d see cake and parties or cookies at work and long to be able to indulge in them. 
Fast forward six weeks, and I could see how it was really helping relieve some of my residual symptoms from my Hashimoto’s and other issues, such as:
  • Tiredness
  • Migraines
  • Hair loss
  • Dull complexion 
  • Skin issues - Dandruff, dry skin, psoriasis 
  • Blood sugar instability
Image courtesy of Jereon van Oostrom at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I knew I had to keep going with this lifestyle. My health was obviously telling me it was in my best interest. It’s been two years now and I’m still 100% gluten-free, and probably will be forever. 

So if you’re thinking about going gluten-free for your health, here are some tips:

1. Don’t get overwhelmed 

You can do this. Take a little time to research and learn about the gluten-free lifestyle. And then when you’re ready to start (which means 100% commitment), go forth and conquer. Take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but I promise you, it gets to be second nature over time. I hardly think twice about it now, it’s just how I eat. 

2. It’s not as hard as you think

One of the benefits of the rising popularity of gluten-free is that so many restaurants can accommodate gluten-free diners. I always ask if there’s gluten-free menu (or look it up online if the restaurant has website). While I’m out and about running errands, I usually pack Kind Bars, apples, nuts or carrots to munch on. It’s fairly easy to find on-the-go options, it just saves me time and energy to have mine with me.

3. Give it time 

You’re not going to magically feel different overnight, in two weeks, or even a month. Some people may, but they’re the exception, not the rule. Like all good things in life, it takes time for your discipline to pay off. It really takes about 6 weeks to really start to feeling a difference for some people. 

4. Bring a dish! 

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’re going to a party or event and are worried there won’t be gluten-free options, bring a gluten-free dish to share with everyone. This removes the awkward part of telling your host what you can and can’t eat. You don’t have to make an issue out of it, just say “Hey, I love this casserole so I bought it to share!” My family members will often have gluten-free options since they know about my diet, but for casual friends who you don’t want to burden, it’s easier sometimes to just bring something to share. 

5) It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg

When I first went gluten-free, I spent a ridiculous amount on "gluten-free" everything. That's totally fine because it made the transition easier while I was learning how to eat gluten free. The longer I’m gluten-free, the less and less I use them. This is partly because I eat the 21 Day Fix way, which is kind of gluten-free by default. When I do get a craving for cookies or pasta, I'll definitely splurge but I don't use them much on a daily basis. 

If migraines or thyroid issues are plaguing you, I would strongly encourage you to try gluten-free for 6 weeks. There’s nothing nutritionally that you need in it, so you really have nothing to lose. Even though it’s taken self-discipline and effort, it’s been worth it to feel so great! 

Have you tried going gluten-free? How did it go? I’d love to hear!

6 Eye-Opening Mommy Truths (#6 is going to surprise you!)

Monday, April 18, 2016

1. Being a parent is much harder than I thought.

I have amazing, sweet kiddos, but it doesn’t mean parenting is a cake walk. In fact, the only thing I’m sure about from day to day is that there’s never a dull moment. From dining out to road trips, you really never know what’s going to happen. Meltdowns at Target? Been there! Baby just had a blow-out in the last clean outfit? Done that! 

I didn’t realize how much I judged parents before I was one. But now, I totally see how you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. So, to the mom I used to judge for giving her kid an iPad at a restaurant or giving them candy for a moment of silence, I’m sorry! I know you love your kid and are doing the best you can right now. 
2) My heart's capacity is greater than I ever thought.

Have you seen the original Grinch Who Stole Christmas? Remember when the Grinch’s heart grows to 3 times it’s size… 

Well, that’s how I felt the first time my dear Ava Grace snuggled her warm little body up to my chest. My heart swelled like I never imagined. Immediately, I was hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with her. My love knows no bounds for my precious girls and there’s nothing I wouldn’t sacrifice for them. 

I used to be all about ME….shopping for ME, getting MY nails done, having ME time, getting MY beauty rest. Don’t get me wrong, I still love being pampered and wearing cute clothes (what girl doesn’t?). However, I get more of a kick from watching my daughter twirl with delight in a new dress I bought her or gaze at her freshly painted toes with a Cheshire grin on her face. Those are the moments that bring me most joy. So while I may forgo certain luxuries for myself, it’s not a “sacrifice” to me. Seeing them happy means more to me than anything I could buy for myself. 

This comes with a flip side, which brings me to point #3…

3) Being a mom is scary!

Being a parent opens the gate of your heart to more intense emotions than you’ve ever previously felt. You’ll feel greater joy…greater worry…greater excitement…greater fear. Everything is amplified, because the depths of your love are amplified. You could really go down a rabbit hole here if you’re not careful, so I try not to let my mind stay here for long, but this world can be a very scary place. 

Bad things can happen to good people. I know that God is in control and has my back no matter what, so I cling to my faith when issues arise that I have no control over. At the end of the day, you can’t live in fear.

4) I’m not naturally patient…but I’m working on it.

Ever yelled at a 20 month old? Ummm…me neither. Hypothetically, if I had, I wouldn’t be proud of it. 

Dealing with little people day in and day out has it’s challenges. These are thoughts that go through my head on any given day…

“Really? You’re crying hysterically because I cut your apple?…Throwing a tantrum because I made you wear pants?…You didn’t have to pee 5 minutes ago when I asked you…but now that you’re buckled in your carseat and we’re running late you have to?…OK, just take a deep breath, hold in your frustration. Remember, you’re dealing with a three year old…”

I have to remind myself that these little people have big emotions, and not being able to convey them or have control over the situation is equally frustrating to them. I know I’m not always the perfect mom, but I’m doing me best and have to remember to look at things from their perspective, too. 

5) I’ve never been so tired in my life! 

I was one of the lucky ones whose babies slept through the night from a young age. I thought “I have the golden ticket!” I was under the impression that once your baby sleeps through the night, you’re home free! 

Boy was I naive! The joke’s on me, because I actually sleep less now than when my girls were younger. While they only woke for nighttime feedings for a couple months as newborns, as toddlers/preschoolers they now wake up because they’re scared, teething, have to go potty, etc. 

I’ve basically given up getting much sleep for this season of my life. This too, shall pass. And I know once this season has passed, I’ll miss it for so many reasons. So for now, I’ll just roll with it. That’s what espresso and eye cream are for, right?

Part of the reason I’m so tired is because of #6…Last, but certainly not least:

6) I’ve never been so driven in my life.

Time is my most precious commodity right now. I want to spend as much time as possible with my girls, being a mom, teaching them about life, etc. I want to be there for my daughters’ gymnastics competitions, swim meets, soccer games, etc. We need two incomes, so staying at home isn’t an option for me. 

Recently, the dayshift position I’d held for 6 years at my hospital was phased out and my only option was an evening shift job which includes working holidays and every other weekend. It’s been a big transition and really prompted me to think about what I want career and family-wise. They say everything happens for a reason, so here’s my silver lining…
I’d recently finished being a participant in a fitness accountability group and it was a life changing experience to say the least! Coaching is an amazing opportunity because it marries my passion for fitness with income and the ideal work-life balance. My ultimate goal (that’s still kind of scary for me to say out loud) is to become a full-time health and fitness coach/blogger. It’s my true passion and I know it’s something I’m meant to do. I see the potential in this business and it’s exciting. 

So here I am, building a business, without even having a business class under my belt! I’m learning it all as I go, a la YouTube and Google. And to be honest…I’m kind of having a blast doing it! Yes, there are days I want to quit and feel like I’m not making any progress. But then I have days where I hear about my client’s losing 25 pounds or someone tells me I changed their life or I hit a milestone in my business and it refuels me to keep going on this emotional roller coaster ride. 
So, I will continue to work two jobs, NICU nurse and fitness coach/blogger, even though it means making sacrifices right now. I know these small habits I’m performing consistently will add up over time to great dividends. I will continue to burn the midnight oil because my driving force is my family, and there’s no stronger motivator than that. 

Enough about me! How about you?! What mommy truths have you discovered along your journey? What has surprised you most about being a parent? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

When God Feels A Million Miles Away

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I go to a great church here in the South Bay of San Diego. This week's message was powerful and really touched my heart. It brought me to ponder my own circumstances, which I'll get to later.

I have several friends who are going through difficult times. It's so easy to doubt God, to wonder why, and to start losing faith when it seems like things just aren't going our way. Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a loving, merciful God allow these things to happen? Why can't God just swoop in and intervene when things get tough and when people are hurting?

These are all questions I ask myself every time I feel the pain of a loved one suffering.

This message was perfectly timed in my life. Pastor James talked about how Easter is the forever reminder that with God, ANYTHING is possible. Jesus' life here on Earth was anything but easy. He was ridiculed, persecuted, betrayed and died a brutal death. God could have rescued him...but he didn't. Because God's plan for Jesus went far beyond what ANYONE could have imagined.

As James said, there's always a bigger story. A story that reaches far beyond our earthly existence. This is so hard for even me to comprehend, but it's all part of having faith in God that he has a plan for us.

Think of what would happen if Jesus never died on the cross? If he was never brutally beaten? If he wasn't relegated to hang out with the misfits of society?

Think of all the lives that wouldn't have been blessed, touched or saved.

Life is crazy and not always pleasant. The Bible states that in this life we will have struggles, but that we need to take heart because God has already overcome the evil one. (John 16:33)

God can use us, even when we feel defeated. Here's how:

1) Fight - Don't give up! Fight the good fight. 

2) Finish well - Go down swinging. Give it your all and pray continuously. 

3) Keep the faith - God can use you, even when you feel like you've lost. We just have to trust God, even when we don't understand the circumstances, or feel like we've lost. 

While I have two beautiful girls, they didn't come easily. I went through not 1, not 2, but 3 miscarriages to get them.

I was heartbroken and my faith was tested to the max. I honestly had given up hope that I would ever have a child of my own, other than a puggle needing orthodontia. But God pulled through when I least expected, and now I have these two precious girls that were worth everything and beyond what I went through for them.

I have so many friends and have met so many women who have gone through either the same or similar events. If I hadn't gone through what I had, I wouldn't have been able to help them when they needed it.

Everyone has a gift from God, a strength he gives them to use in serving Him and other people. Mine is the gift of encouragement. I firmly believe part of my purpose here on earth is to use this gift. I now know that God allowed me to go through fertility issues so I could support other women. In the end, God redeemed the situation when all hope was lost and now I see how he's using IT and using ME for a bigger purpose.

If you're going through something and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I just want to encourage you to keep fighting and keep trusting in God. Remember, we can't see the whole picture. We only see a tiny slice of it. We don't need to be afraid or live in fear because God has our back no matter what.

Every time you get discouraged, meditate on this verse. This verse has saved me so many times:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We don't need to understand God to TRUST him.