Going gluten-free: Is it for you? 5 Tips for Implementing it!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
While going gluten-free is seen by many as a trend, for those of us with certain autoimmune or neurological issues (hello Migraines!), eliminating gluten can really help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms that medications can’t. Believe me, it’s not something I chose to do for fun! It was actually my doctor who put me on it at first. Is it something I think everyone should do? No! Do I think some people benefit from eating this way? Definitely! 

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I really had no idea what gluten-free meant other than no bread. When I first went gluten-free, I’ll admit that I had a bit of a pity party for myself. I’d see cake and parties or cookies at work and long to be able to indulge in them. 
Fast forward six weeks, and I could see how it was really helping relieve some of my residual symptoms from my Hashimoto’s and other issues, such as:
  • Tiredness
  • Migraines
  • Hair loss
  • Dull complexion 
  • Skin issues - Dandruff, dry skin, psoriasis 
  • Blood sugar instability
Image courtesy of Jereon van Oostrom at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I knew I had to keep going with this lifestyle. My health was obviously telling me it was in my best interest. It’s been two years now and I’m still 100% gluten-free, and probably will be forever. 

So if you’re thinking about going gluten-free for your health, here are some tips:

1. Don’t get overwhelmed 

You can do this. Take a little time to research and learn about the gluten-free lifestyle. And then when you’re ready to start (which means 100% commitment), go forth and conquer. Take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but I promise you, it gets to be second nature over time. I hardly think twice about it now, it’s just how I eat. 

2. It’s not as hard as you think

One of the benefits of the rising popularity of gluten-free is that so many restaurants can accommodate gluten-free diners. I always ask if there’s gluten-free menu (or look it up online if the restaurant has website). While I’m out and about running errands, I usually pack Kind Bars, apples, nuts or carrots to munch on. It’s fairly easy to find on-the-go options, it just saves me time and energy to have mine with me.

3. Give it time 

You’re not going to magically feel different overnight, in two weeks, or even a month. Some people may, but they’re the exception, not the rule. Like all good things in life, it takes time for your discipline to pay off. It really takes about 6 weeks to really start to feeling a difference for some people. 

4. Bring a dish! 

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’re going to a party or event and are worried there won’t be gluten-free options, bring a gluten-free dish to share with everyone. This removes the awkward part of telling your host what you can and can’t eat. You don’t have to make an issue out of it, just say “Hey, I love this casserole so I bought it to share!” My family members will often have gluten-free options since they know about my diet, but for casual friends who you don’t want to burden, it’s easier sometimes to just bring something to share. 

5) It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg

When I first went gluten-free, I spent a ridiculous amount on "gluten-free" everything. That's totally fine because it made the transition easier while I was learning how to eat gluten free. The longer I’m gluten-free, the less and less I use them. This is partly because I eat the 21 Day Fix way, which is kind of gluten-free by default. When I do get a craving for cookies or pasta, I'll definitely splurge but I don't use them much on a daily basis. 

If migraines or thyroid issues are plaguing you, I would strongly encourage you to try gluten-free for 6 weeks. There’s nothing nutritionally that you need in it, so you really have nothing to lose. Even though it’s taken self-discipline and effort, it’s been worth it to feel so great! 

Have you tried going gluten-free? How did it go? I’d love to hear!

6 Eye-Opening Mommy Truths (#6 is going to surprise you!)

Monday, April 18, 2016

1. Being a parent is much harder than I thought.

I have amazing, sweet kiddos, but it doesn’t mean parenting is a cake walk. In fact, the only thing I’m sure about from day to day is that there’s never a dull moment. From dining out to road trips, you really never know what’s going to happen. Meltdowns at Target? Been there! Baby just had a blow-out in the last clean outfit? Done that! 

I didn’t realize how much I judged parents before I was one. But now, I totally see how you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. So, to the mom I used to judge for giving her kid an iPad at a restaurant or giving them candy for a moment of silence, I’m sorry! I know you love your kid and are doing the best you can right now. 
2) My heart's capacity is greater than I ever thought.

Have you seen the original Grinch Who Stole Christmas? Remember when the Grinch’s heart grows to 3 times it’s size… 

Well, that’s how I felt the first time my dear Ava Grace snuggled her warm little body up to my chest. My heart swelled like I never imagined. Immediately, I was hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with her. My love knows no bounds for my precious girls and there’s nothing I wouldn’t sacrifice for them. 

I used to be all about ME….shopping for ME, getting MY nails done, having ME time, getting MY beauty rest. Don’t get me wrong, I still love being pampered and wearing cute clothes (what girl doesn’t?). However, I get more of a kick from watching my daughter twirl with delight in a new dress I bought her or gaze at her freshly painted toes with a Cheshire grin on her face. Those are the moments that bring me most joy. So while I may forgo certain luxuries for myself, it’s not a “sacrifice” to me. Seeing them happy means more to me than anything I could buy for myself. 

This comes with a flip side, which brings me to point #3…

3) Being a mom is scary!

Being a parent opens the gate of your heart to more intense emotions than you’ve ever previously felt. You’ll feel greater joy…greater worry…greater excitement…greater fear. Everything is amplified, because the depths of your love are amplified. You could really go down a rabbit hole here if you’re not careful, so I try not to let my mind stay here for long, but this world can be a very scary place. 

Bad things can happen to good people. I know that God is in control and has my back no matter what, so I cling to my faith when issues arise that I have no control over. At the end of the day, you can’t live in fear.

4) I’m not naturally patient…but I’m working on it.

Ever yelled at a 20 month old? Ummm…me neither. Hypothetically, if I had, I wouldn’t be proud of it. 

Dealing with little people day in and day out has it’s challenges. These are thoughts that go through my head on any given day…

“Really? You’re crying hysterically because I cut your apple?…Throwing a tantrum because I made you wear pants?…You didn’t have to pee 5 minutes ago when I asked you…but now that you’re buckled in your carseat and we’re running late you have to?…OK, just take a deep breath, hold in your frustration. Remember, you’re dealing with a three year old…”

I have to remind myself that these little people have big emotions, and not being able to convey them or have control over the situation is equally frustrating to them. I know I’m not always the perfect mom, but I’m doing me best and have to remember to look at things from their perspective, too. 

5) I’ve never been so tired in my life! 

I was one of the lucky ones whose babies slept through the night from a young age. I thought “I have the golden ticket!” I was under the impression that once your baby sleeps through the night, you’re home free! 

Boy was I naive! The joke’s on me, because I actually sleep less now than when my girls were younger. While they only woke for nighttime feedings for a couple months as newborns, as toddlers/preschoolers they now wake up because they’re scared, teething, have to go potty, etc. 

I’ve basically given up getting much sleep for this season of my life. This too, shall pass. And I know once this season has passed, I’ll miss it for so many reasons. So for now, I’ll just roll with it. That’s what espresso and eye cream are for, right?

Part of the reason I’m so tired is because of #6…Last, but certainly not least:

6) I’ve never been so driven in my life.

Time is my most precious commodity right now. I want to spend as much time as possible with my girls, being a mom, teaching them about life, etc. I want to be there for my daughters’ gymnastics competitions, swim meets, soccer games, etc. We need two incomes, so staying at home isn’t an option for me. 

Recently, the dayshift position I’d held for 6 years at my hospital was phased out and my only option was an evening shift job which includes working holidays and every other weekend. It’s been a big transition and really prompted me to think about what I want career and family-wise. They say everything happens for a reason, so here’s my silver lining…
I’d recently finished being a participant in a fitness accountability group and it was a life changing experience to say the least! Coaching is an amazing opportunity because it marries my passion for fitness with income and the ideal work-life balance. My ultimate goal (that’s still kind of scary for me to say out loud) is to become a full-time health and fitness coach/blogger. It’s my true passion and I know it’s something I’m meant to do. I see the potential in this business and it’s exciting. 

So here I am, building a business, without even having a business class under my belt! I’m learning it all as I go, a la YouTube and Google. And to be honest…I’m kind of having a blast doing it! Yes, there are days I want to quit and feel like I’m not making any progress. But then I have days where I hear about my client’s losing 25 pounds or someone tells me I changed their life or I hit a milestone in my business and it refuels me to keep going on this emotional roller coaster ride. 
So, I will continue to work two jobs, NICU nurse and fitness coach/blogger, even though it means making sacrifices right now. I know these small habits I’m performing consistently will add up over time to great dividends. I will continue to burn the midnight oil because my driving force is my family, and there’s no stronger motivator than that. 

Enough about me! How about you?! What mommy truths have you discovered along your journey? What has surprised you most about being a parent? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

When God Feels A Million Miles Away

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I go to a great church here in the South Bay of San Diego. This week's message was powerful and really touched my heart. It brought me to ponder my own circumstances, which I'll get to later.

I have several friends who are going through difficult times. It's so easy to doubt God, to wonder why, and to start losing faith when it seems like things just aren't going our way. Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a loving, merciful God allow these things to happen? Why can't God just swoop in and intervene when things get tough and when people are hurting?

These are all questions I ask myself every time I feel the pain of a loved one suffering.

This message was perfectly timed in my life. Pastor James talked about how Easter is the forever reminder that with God, ANYTHING is possible. Jesus' life here on Earth was anything but easy. He was ridiculed, persecuted, betrayed and died a brutal death. God could have rescued him...but he didn't. Because God's plan for Jesus went far beyond what ANYONE could have imagined.

As James said, there's always a bigger story. A story that reaches far beyond our earthly existence. This is so hard for even me to comprehend, but it's all part of having faith in God that he has a plan for us.

Think of what would happen if Jesus never died on the cross? If he was never brutally beaten? If he wasn't relegated to hang out with the misfits of society?

Think of all the lives that wouldn't have been blessed, touched or saved.

Life is crazy and not always pleasant. The Bible states that in this life we will have struggles, but that we need to take heart because God has already overcome the evil one. (John 16:33)

God can use us, even when we feel defeated. Here's how:

1) Fight - Don't give up! Fight the good fight. 

2) Finish well - Go down swinging. Give it your all and pray continuously. 

3) Keep the faith - God can use you, even when you feel like you've lost. We just have to trust God, even when we don't understand the circumstances, or feel like we've lost. 

While I have two beautiful girls, they didn't come easily. I went through not 1, not 2, but 3 miscarriages to get them.

I was heartbroken and my faith was tested to the max. I honestly had given up hope that I would ever have a child of my own, other than a puggle needing orthodontia. But God pulled through when I least expected, and now I have these two precious girls that were worth everything and beyond what I went through for them.

I have so many friends and have met so many women who have gone through either the same or similar events. If I hadn't gone through what I had, I wouldn't have been able to help them when they needed it.

Everyone has a gift from God, a strength he gives them to use in serving Him and other people. Mine is the gift of encouragement. I firmly believe part of my purpose here on earth is to use this gift. I now know that God allowed me to go through fertility issues so I could support other women. In the end, God redeemed the situation when all hope was lost and now I see how he's using IT and using ME for a bigger purpose.

If you're going through something and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I just want to encourage you to keep fighting and keep trusting in God. Remember, we can't see the whole picture. We only see a tiny slice of it. We don't need to be afraid or live in fear because God has our back no matter what.

Every time you get discouraged, meditate on this verse. This verse has saved me so many times:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We don't need to understand God to TRUST him. 

4 Ways to Boost Your Thyroid Function With Diet

Thursday, March 31, 2016

1) Go 100% gluten-free

While Hashimoto's is often thought of as a thyroid problem, it's actually an autoimmune issue whereby the thyroid is attacked. The protein in wheat is called gliadin, and it actually looks very similar to the gluten molecule in the body. This causes the immune system to amplify its attack, whereby worsening Hashimoto's symptoms.

This is a situation where reducing gluten won't cut it, or even having it on occasion won't work. It needs to be eliminated completely from the diet. One exposure can hang around for up to 6 months in the body, so it's just not worth it. Chris Kresser, a leader in the fields of integrative and functional medicine, explains in an excellent post here how gluten is so destructive for Hashimoto's and other people with certain autoimmune conditions.

2) Be cuckoo for coconuts!

I could do a whole blog post on all the wonderful things coconut oil does for the body. Most of it I've learn from a wonderful book by Dr. Mary Enig, called Eat Fat, Lose Fat. I highly recommend you pick up a copy if you haven't read it. She's the world-renowned biochemist and nutritionist who has dedicated her life to researching and advocating the dangers of trans fats (she was the original whistleblower to the FDA regarding their longterm dangers). She has gone against the grain in using traditional fats (coconut oil, lard, tallow, egg yolks) through the low-fat craze of the 1980's and 90's to present. Mainstream society is finally catching up. 

So why coconut oil? How does it help your thyroid? Well, what do people with Hashimoto's struggle with?
  • Slow metabolism
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Cold intolerance
  • Gut issues (leaky gut)
  • Low energy
  • Blood sugar instability 
  • Dry hair, skin and brittle nails
First of all, it increases your metabolism. Coconut oil is a saturated fat made up mainly of medium-chain triglycerides, or MCT's. This is a unique and special kind of fat. Unlike other fatty acids, MCT's are converted into energy by the liver instead of being stored as fat. This increases energy levels and also increases metabolism (which can in turn help with cold intolerance issues). In addition, coconut oil has a satiating effect, which may help someone to decrease their calorie intake throughout the day, without even necessarily trying. This fat slows digestion, which can help blood sugars to remain more stable between meals. Coconut oil also nourishes the digestive system, as it has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can suppress inflammation. Lastly, coconut oil works wonders straight out of the jar on skin and hair to moisturize. I often apply it in lieu of body lotion of leave it in my hair overnight as an intensive conditioner. 

3) Raw isn't always best

While we think of veggies as always being a healthy option, there are a couple caveats. Raw cruciferous vegetables including cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower contain natural chemicals called goitrogens (goiter producers) that can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis. This can lead to thyroid issues. However, there's a way to remedy this. Goitrogens are  deactivated by heat so lightly steaming, roasting or sautéing them should eliminate this problem. So you can have your greens and eat them, too. 

4) Look at the big picture to maximize your medication's effectiveness 

A lot of factors can affect how well you absorb the medication. Certain supplements/foods can even interfere with absorption. Here are some general guidelines:
  • Take on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast- I take mine first thing each morning
  • Avoid calcium, iron and antacids within 2-3 hours of taking medication- They can interfere with absorption. 
  • Soy and dairy products can also interfere, so you'll want to follow the 2-3 hour rule of thumb here, as well. 
  • Be CONSISTENT. If you take your medication 30 minutes before breakfast, but do it regularly and feel good/have good labs, keep doing what you're doing. Eating high versus low fiber will affect the absorption, so try to have a fairly consistent diet. 
  • Certain drugs, such as SSRI's (Zoloft, Prozac) can decrease effectiveness of thyroid medication. So keep that in mind when adjusting your dosages of these. 
  • If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, your thyroid needs will likely change, so work closely with your doctor to make sure you're feeling asymptomatic and that your levels are in check. It's very important for both yourself and your baby that your thyroid levels are adequate. 

Like my fitness tips? 

I know how hard it can be to lose weight with a stubborn metabolism so common with hypothyroidism. It can feel discouraging and hopeless. But I've overcome this, and so can you!

I'd love to work alongside you in our upcoming April 18th fitness accountability group! I'll be sharing more tips for how I've boosted my metabolism! Apply today. You're worth a change. 

Fill out my online form.
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21 Day Fix Asian Turkey Meatballs

Friday, March 25, 2016

I was in the mood for something outside of my usual fare and had some ground turkey on hand. That's when I decided to go the Asian route with my dinner!

These meatballs are versatile, high in lean protein and BIG on flavor! You won't be disappointed. 

My hubby and I loved these! Next time I'll make a double batch so I have some to freeze. 

Without further ado, here's the recipe!

Asian Turkey Meatballs

Servings: 30 meatballs approx.
Prep time: 10 min.
Cook time: 15-20 min.
Container equivalents: 5 meatballs equal 1 red container on 21 Day Fix Program

- 2 lbs raw, lean ground turkey (I used 2 packages of the Jenny-O)
- 3 green onions, finely chopped
- 1 inch fresh ginger, finely grated
- 1/3 cup Tamari or coconut aminos (gluten-free soy sauce, tastes exactly the same as regular)
- Ground black pepper to taste
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup gluten-free oats

1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease two baking sheets (or use silicon baking mats, one of my favorite inventions).

2. Mix all ingredients in mixing bowl until just blended.

3. Roll into one-inch balls and place on baking sheet. 

4. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until no longer pink in the center. 

5. Pair with your favorite sides and enjoy! I made an Asian bowl with brown rice and roasted brussels sprouts. It was tasty and filling.

A Huge Turning Point

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Today marked a huge milestone in my fitness journey. Not only did I complete the Piyo Program...

I'm just going to come right out and say it...I SURPASSED my fitness goals! 

As you can see by the pictures, I've continued to lean out and sculpt my body with Piyo. And there's one more thing...I've actually crushed my goal weight of 128 pounds...

I'm now 125 pounds. I've never weighed 125 pounds (Fun fact: I was deadlocked at 150 pounds almost all of my 20's, including the day I got married). And what I'm the most proud of, is that it's not a frail or "skinny fat" 125 pounds. I may always have extra skin on my tummy and stretch marks, but that's ok! My body is strong, and it is well fed. I can plank like a badass till the cows come home! I can chase my daughter down the street while she bikes and not want to die!

I cried tears of joy after doing my weigh in and photos. But it's not just because of the physical transformation. I just feel so darn good! I feel like I'm doing something that is transforming my life AND some of those around me. 

In seven short months, I've gone from reluctantly participating in a challenge group (I had serious doubts it was for me...I thought Shakeology was a scam), to completing my first challenge, to doing 2 other programs, to seeing how Shakeology has improved my energy levels and held my sweet tooth at bay, to signing up as a Coach, to becoming an Emerald Coach to now surpassing my fitness goals! It's been quite the whirlwind. 

At this point, I'm not working out or "dieting" to lose weight. I'm eating clean, drinking my daily superfoods and exercising because I LOVE the way it makes me feel. It's just my lifestyle now. It makes me a better mom and wife and friend when I'm able to fill my cup a little each day with something that nourishes my body and soul. 


(Above: Me at 22 and 26, running half marathons and living on "diet" food)

And it's not about perfection or deprivation. There are parties and vacations and dinners out that are meant to be fully enjoyed. And by golly, I will eat my dark chocolate everyday from here to eternity, so don't you try to stop me! Life is meant to be LIVED. I let myself indulge and I don't feel guilty, because...that's just no fun. 

If you would have told me I'd be at this place a year ago, I never would have believed you. I was a happy person, but I doubted myself in so many areas. Thoughts like these filled my mind: 

"I could never be that disciplined." 

"I could never eat that healthy." 

"I could never give up Halloween candy and nacho binges." 

"I could never have the time to meal prep and/or workout daily."

"I could never take control of my nighttime food binges." 

If any of these phrases sound familiar to you, I want you realize something...

The way that you talk to yourself in your head is a very powerful thing! You need to make a conscious decision to talk positively in an encouraging, understanding way to yourself. Transformation starts on the inside! Make a decision that you want to become a healthier, more confident YOU. And then support yourself by speaking positive phrases to yourself. 

"I am strong. I am worth this."

"I am improving. I'm proud of myself."

"I'm not going to binge on _________ , because that doesn't align with who I am anymore." 

You have so much power, you just have to believe in yourself and tap into it!

I strongly believe that one of the reasons I'm on this planet is to help other people lead healthier lives. If you want guidance in this area, encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, a cheerleader, etc., I can be that person to help get you started. Your biggest obstacle is your own mind. Let me help get you started as your coach. You'd be surprised of what goals YOU could crush!

Vitamins to Kickstart Your Thyroid

Monday, March 21, 2016

Step One: Make sure you're in the right hands

Here is a list of the supplements my doctor put me on for my Hashimoto's. Always consult a doctor before starting a new regimen yourself. It takes about 6 weeks of consistently taking these EVERYDAY (in addition to following the gluten-free diet) to really feel optimal.

Find a reputable physician who will work side-by-side with you to reach your goals. I really did my homework to make sure I was in the best hands possible and getting the most up-to-date, reputable information. 

My physician is a member of the American Academy of Family Practice,  the Institute for Functional Medicine, and the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. A thyroid patient herself, she has dedicated her practice to natural hormone balancing via the latest evidence-based practice practices. I'll share how I found my physician (and how you can, too!) in a future post. 

If you're looking for dietary/supplement advice or information about natural thyroid hormone, it's paramount to find a physician who takes a holistic approach (hint: this isn't going to be your average endocrinologist). Don't be frustrated if your regular doctor isn't helpful with this. In fact, expect it!

Spend some time researching a doctor that fits the bill. Think of how much time you spend researching a new camera, car, stroller, carseat, etc. before purchasing. Why would this be any less important? You may have to try a couple physicians before you find someone whose values coincide with yours. But it's totally worth it when you finally do!

Nutritional Supplements for Thyroid Patients

Photo Courtesy of FreeImages.com
Selenium - 200mcg - Some studies have shown this mineral to significantly decrease anti-thyroid antibodies (by 50%!), such as this one here. It's a cofactor involved in the conversion of T4 to the more active T3 (the form your body needs for energy). Check the amount in your multivitamin, as you don't want to exceed 400mcg/day. I prefer to take it in the form of Seleno-Methionine, such as this one, because it's more bioavailable.

Iodoral - 12.5mg - The National Institutes of Health maintain that the majority of thyroid impairments are associated with co-existing deficiencies in iodine and selenium. Iodine deficiency is a well-known cause of goiter and hypothyroidism. The decrease in use of salt and increase of bromine in the diet (used to condition bread dough and also present in vegetable oils) has led to higher iodine deficiency in the US population, as bromine competes with iodine in the body.

Dosages in iodine supplementation are controversial, but this dose equates to the average Japanese citizens' daily intake of iodine. Concerns about excess iodine supplementation causing hypothyroidism often occur concurrently with selenium deficiency. Taking both Iodine AND selenium together should solve this problem. Read Dr. David Brownstein's book, Iodine: Why You Need it, Why You Can't Live Without It for more information.

Magnesium - 400-800mg - This plays an important role in heart and bone health, and may help prevent heart palpitations and rhythmic disturbances. The biggest thing it helps me with is anxiety, a common complaint of Hashimoto's patients. I prefer this brand because it isn't buffered with inferior forms of magnesium and the glycinate form doesn't cause GI disturbances (such as diarrhea) common with magnesium oxide and citrate. 

Multivitamin/Shakeology - Personally, I don't take multivitamins anymore. I drink Shakeology daily and it provides everything a multivitamin does and beyond. I'll talk about the myriad of benefits of drinking Shakeology (and why it's so beneficial to anyone with thyroid issues especially!) in a later post. 

Vitamin D3 - 1000units+ (read below)- This is a powerful agent for preventing cancer. Patients with Hashimoto's tend to be low in vitamin D due to abnormalities in their vitamin D receptors. Studies suggest that Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and may help prevent diabetes, heart disease and fight cancer. Check your level before starting supplementation. 

I was shocked to find that mine was low (29) even living in sunny southern California! I actually had to take 7500 units daily to get mine up to a healthy level (yes, my doctor is okay with this). You want to be careful if you have a history of kidney stones and always consult your doctor regarding dosage. Check out this book by Michael Holick, Ph. D., M.D. or his website www.uvadvantage.com for more information. 

I take this supplement of vitamin D3. 

Adrenal Support - 1 tablet three times a day with food - The systems of the body are akin to a symphony. When one part isn't functioning properly, it stresses other systems. Many hypothyroid patients need some form of adrenal support for weak adrenal function, due to the stress it places on your body. This supplement provides a nice "floor" of hormone function, by providing low levels of adrenal and other hormones. These were formulated by Dr. Wilson, author of the Adrenal Fatigue book. I'll talk more about adrenal fatigue and why it must be corrected for optimal health and thyroid function in a later post.

Like I said, it will take time of taking these consistently and on a daily basis (6 weeks, give or take) to really feel the full effects. For me, these have been very helpful in resolving my residual thyroid symptoms.

Questions? Comment below or contact me!

Broccoli Chicken Mac N Cheese (21DF)

Friday, March 18, 2016

This recipe is from Autumn Calabrese's cookbook Fixate. I love this cookbook because it's chocked full of 21 Day Fix approved clean eating recipes. These dishes can be enjoyed by all, not just those wanting to lean out!

This recipe tastes like a cheat meal, and my husband and kids love it! It just goes to show that healthy eating can be tasty. I make mine gluten-free, but you can make it either way.

Without further ado, here's the recipe:

Broccoli Chicken Mac N Cheese (21 DF)

Serves 8 (1 1/2 cups each) 
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 17 minutes
Container equivalents (per serving): 1 green, 1 yellow, 1/2 red, 1/2 blue)

- 4 oz. dry whole wheat or gluten free macaroni elbows (I use gluten-free brown rice pasta)
- 4 tsp. organic, grass-fed butter
- 2 Tbsp. unbleached whole wheat flour (I use gluten-free all purpose flour)
- 1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
- 1 1/4 cups grated cheddar cheese (I actually used the shredded Mexican cheese from Costco and it turned out great)
- 3 cups chopped boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 6 cups steamed broccoli florets, steamed
- 1 tsp. sea salt
- 1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1. Cook macaroni according to package directions. Set aside. 

2. Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. 

3. Add flour; cook, whisking constantly, for 1 minute, or until brown (don't let it brown). 

4. Slowly whisk in almond milk; cook, whisking constantly, for 1 to 2 minutes, or until mixture thickens and there are no lumps. 

5. Reduce heat to low. Add cheese; cook, whisking constantly, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until melted. 

6. Add chicken, broccoli, salt and pepper. Cook for 1 minute or until heated through. 

7. Serve immediately. 

Homemade KIND Bar Recipe - Dark Chocolate with Nuts and Sea Salt

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

One of my favorite daily treats are KIND Bars. They are low in sugar, tasty and hit the spot for an afternoon chocolate indulgence without taking me off track of my eating plan. They make the perfect breakfast on-the-go (who doesn't love chocolate for breakfast?!) or afternoon purse snack when I'm out running errands. And they are 21 Day Fix friendly!

They're a bit pricey and seem to use basic ingredients, so I thought, why not make them and see if it's worth the effort? These can be made for about 44 cents a bar, whereas you'll pay around $1 a bar at Costco (and not always get your favorite flavor) or $1.49 at Trader Joe's. 

So I hopped onto TheYummyLife, a food blog I love, and tried out Monica's recipe.

I anxiously awaited by husband's reaction as he bit into one...

"Whoa! These are AMAZING!" I followed his lead and tried one and, I have to say, I was not disappointed! These bars taste BETTER than the original in both of our opinions. They even top his all-time favorite homemade granola bar from a high-end boutique hotel in La Jolla. 

My 3-year-old gobbled one up and said, "Thanks for dessert, mom!"

I will definitely make these again, they weren't hard to make, especially now that I've made them once. In the future, I will make a double batch and keep them in the freezer.

These are gluten-free and can be made vegan, as well. 

Homemade KIND Bars - Dark Chocolate with Nuts and Sea Salt

Servings: 20 bars
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: None if nuts roasted, or 10 if roasting nuts
Container equivalents per serving: 1 blue, 1 tsp

  • 2 cups whole roasted unsalted almonds
  • 3/4 cup whole roasted unsalted peanuts
  • 3/4 cup roasted walnuts, chopped (I was out of walnuts so subbed in cashews)
  • 1/2 cup puffed millet or rice
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed meal

  • 1/2 cup honey (sub out for all brown rice syrup to make it vegan)
  • 1/3 cup brown rice syrup
  • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt, divided
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips (use Enjoy Life brand for vegan version)
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable, grapeseed, or coconut oil

Grease/spray large bowl, 9x13 baking sheet/pan, wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread nuts  on large baking sheet and bake for 10 min. until lightly toasted and fragrant. 

Add  toasted nuts to large bowl. Add puffed rice/millet and flaxseed meal. Stir to combine; set aside.

In 1-1/2 or 2 quart saucepan, combine honey, rice syrup, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and vanilla over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until mixture reaches 260 degrees (hard ball stage) on a candy thermometer. Immediately, pour mixture over nut mixture, stir until evenly coated. Quickly transfer to greased/sprayed 9x13 pan, use hands to spread mixture evenly in pan; press the mixture to close in holes and distribute evenly all over the pan. Using bottom of greased/sprayed drinking glass to tap and compact mixture in pan. Sprinkle top with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt. Let cool 20 minutes. 

While still slightly warm, invert pan on cutting board and tap until mixture falls out in one piece. Cut into 20 bars. I cut them to weight about 40 grams each, as that's the weight of KIND bars. (If they cool too much and become too hard or brittle to cut easily, put in warm oven for 1-2 minutes to soften; proceed with cutting.) Allow bars to cool completely before proceeding with chocolate drizzles. 

FOR CHOCOLATE DRIZZLES: Add chocolate chips and oil to microwave safe bowl. Cook on high power in 20 second intervals, stirring each time, just until last chips melt into mixture (approx. 60 seconds total). Use fork or squeeze bottle to drizzle chocolate over nut bars. Let cool until chocolate hardens.

STORAGE TIP: I wrapped mine burrito-style in parchment paper and put them in the freezer, where they can be left for probably a month or so (although they'll never last that long before being eaten!). They can be left for a week in an airtight container at room temperature. 

 So what do you think? Are they worth the effort? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

How to Improve the Health of Your Entire Family

Friday, March 11, 2016

Two years ago, a visit with the doctor revealed that my husband had high cholesterol. Not alarmingly high, but high enough he needed to make a change. Our life was already so jam-packed full that he tried to eat better but it still wasn't enough. So he decided to start going to the gym again.

Being the amazingly supportive wife I am, I would get resentful when he would leave me with the kids for a couple hours on Saturday and Sunday to go to the gym. And then I would feel guilty for giving him attitude because he was trying to take care of himself. I wanted him to be healthy, but I hated that it was taking a huge chunk out of our weekend together. It was a no-win situation.

One of the biggest blessings of my fitness journey is something I didn't expect. Because, although I was the one who signed up for a challenge group, it wasn't just me who lost weight and became more fit. My husband benefited from this, too. He lost twenty pounds and his cholesterol came down to a healthy range by simply following the program I was on.

And really, it was easy. I prepped my meals...I prepped his. I worked out and asked him to join me....he joined me. As busy as we are, it really wasn't hard. We just got up 30 minutes earlier than we normally would, knocked it out, and then felt good about ourselves the rest of the day. By eating clean, whole foods, we were able to eat delicious, healthy food and never be hungry. The weight came off quickly, which made it all the more motivating to keep going!

Dying after Cardio Xtreme! 
As women we have a lot of influence in the home. If we want our families to be healthier, it starts with us. Whether that means reading a book on clean eating, taking family walks after dinner, joining a challenge group or preparing healthy lunches for your kids, the small choices you make will steer your family one way or another. We have the privilege of being a catalyst for change in our families, which I see as a great opportunity!

When you are living a healthy lifestyle, it will trickle down to your husband and children. If you want your family to be healthier, start with yourself. They will follow your lead. There are so many tasty and healthy recipes, and so many options for quick workouts, that it's really not hard. Getting over the mental obstacle of thinking you can't do it is the hardest part.

So start with one small change tomorrow. It doesn't have to be drastic! Have fruit with your sandwich instead of chips. Have celery sticks and peanut butter instead of crackers. Drink your coffee black or with cinnamon and unsweetened almond milk instead of creamer. Once you've made that change a habit, move onto something else. These seemingly small and insignificant changes will add up over time and will equal a healthier, happier you and family.

Another Post-Workout Sweatie Selfie

I'm so glad we found an alternative to my husband's weekend warrior gym escapades. Our workouts are sometimes the only time we spend together all day. When that alarm goes off in the morning, we're tired and have crazy hair. But we motivate each other, throw our workout clothes on, run downstairs and hit play. We laugh at each other and tease each other throughout the workouts. It's a ritual that we really enjoy now. So when the weekends roll around, not only do we enjoy more leisurely time together, we're both healthier and happier.